Thursday, October 9, 2014

Theater Language Break A Leg

So today I have been learning the language used in theater and I have found out a lot of new terminology that I'd not known previously.

One of the most interesting one's which is commonly known is "break a leg" which means good luck. I found out that this could have came from many different reasons. Some people believe it could have came from:

  • The Elizabethan's- when they liked a play they saw they would stomp their chairs and sometimes break a chair leg.
  •  "Archaic slang for bowing or curtsying; placing one foot behind the other and bending at the knee 'breaks' the line of the leg".
  • The Greeks- they didn't clap, they stomped their feet, and if they did it for long enough they may break a leg.
  • The 1865 assassination of Abraham Lincoln- when John Wilkes Booth broke his leg leaping to the stage after murdering the President.
  • The side curtains- the actors should rush onstage through the curtains to take a considerable amount of bows, therefore "breaking a leg (side curtain)" while doing so.
There's still several more I've not mentioned, but these are the one's I found particularly interesting.

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